#FlashFictionMagic: Bumble Jumble

When Grace was around four, any time she had complicated feelings about something - nursery school, or the neighbor’s giant dog - she called the situation a “bumble jumble.” At the moment, sitting in her living room with Dave’s rose in a vase on the coffee table, Fern was having her own private “bumble jumble.”

On one hand, she was irritated that he thought he could call the shots about when they did and did not discuss their relationship. They had been texting daily for almost this entire school year, ever since her viral TikTok video. He’d had plenty of chances to say whatever he wanted to say, and he had never taken them. So why now? 

On the other hand, she could see a change in him. Regardless of any other consequences of her move to another town, Fern’s absence had given Dave a chance to come into his own. Being around him these past few months since pandemic restrictions had eased, she noticed a new confidence in him. He even laughed more confidently. Fern was secretly so proud of him, and she found his self-assurance unbelievably attractive. 

Fern had been sitting with her flower and her thoughts for about twenty minutes when Dave finally came to the front door. He had dropped Grace at her all-night graduation party at the school, and then driven directly to Fern’s. Fern found herself feeling wistful over the fact that she had to answer the door because he didn’t have a key to this house, and had never had one. 

“Come sit on the couch,” she said, and they sat down together, with Dave on her right, the same way they always had. As soon as they were both settled, Dave took Fern’s hand, and she was instantly comforted by his touch.  For years, they had held hands like this and Fern had thought nothing of it, but now it felt different, momentous. She couldn’t quite wrap her mind around what they were about to discuss.

“Like old times,” Dave said, and Fern could see that he was nervous and trying to break the tension. She smiled to put him at ease. “Only… different, too.” 

“Different?” Fern felt the gravity of everything, too, but she wanted his explanation.

“I need to tell you something,” Dave said, and he looked into Fern’s eyes with such intensity that for a moment she was sure either he or Grace was dying, or some other such tragedy had befallen them. He looked so deadly seriously. But then his face softened, he took a deep breath and said, “I’m in love with you.” 

It felt like time stopped. Maybe Fern’s heart did too. She tried to focus on what Dave was saying, but she felt she was having an out-of-body experience.. Could he possibly mean this? There was the rose, and there were their hands, and he looked like he was going to cry, which was rare for him, so that seemed to suggest it was real, but still Fern struggled to say anything. 

“I think,” Dave went on. “I’ve loved you for a really long time, and didn’t realize it.” His voice was low and serious, and Fern was aware of tears at the corners of her eyes. “It’s why I was a crappy boyfriend to Laura. It’s why I hated Jake. It’s why I kissed you.” He shrugged. “I’ve loved you all this time, Fern.” 

Fern took a shuddering breath, trying to stay composed so she could speak. “I was all set to lecture you.” She laughed nervously. “On why you can’t just decide when we are or are not going to talk about us.” Dave nodded, smiling softly, and she worried he might think she was rejecting him. “But then you went and said all of that…” She shook her head.

“I meant it.” The sincerity in his voice made Fern choke up even further. 

“I have always been so grateful that you shared Grace with me.” Fern willed herself to keep calm so she could get the words out. “But I was careful not to let myself think that we were a family.” She looked up into his face, lost herself in those brown eyes. “But you are my family, Dave. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love you.” 

The next moment was a blur. Fern wasn’t sure who started it, only that she was suddenly there in his arms, and his hands were in her hair, and her arms were around his neck, and he was holding her against him, and they were kissing, and kissing, and after nearly two decades of dancing around each other, they were finally, finally completely in step. 

After the kiss, Dave sat back and looked at Fern, a goofy grin on his face. "Wow," he said. 

Fern’s cheeks felt flushed and she grinned. "No kidding," she said. "You okay?"

Dave chuckled.  "Don’t worry about me. I want to know about you.” He ran his fingers down her cheek, and Fern noted the way he was trying to put her first, to prioritize her needs. “How are you feeling?”

“Well, if I’m honest, part of me wants to smack you for how long this took.” She gave him a little smirk and Dave threw his head back, laughing. She loved that sound. 

“That’s fair,” he said. “I’m a little bit mad at myself about that too. But besides that.” 

“It’s a bumble jumble,” Fern said, laughing. 

Dave laughed out loud again. “Wow, I forgot about that. I don’t even remember if that’s a good thing.” 

“I think it means exciting but a little bit scary.” 

“In that case, I’m right there with you,” Dave said. He put an arm around Fern and she cuddled in closer. 

“That’s exactly where I want you to be,” Fern said gently, and tilted her face up to meet his lips and start the kissing over again.


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