#FlashFictionMagic: Rewind

When Nate entered with the iPad, Maeve went for coffee. Jonah, who had become accustomed to her reassuring presence here in the hospital, hated when she left and watched until her long auburn braid was out of sight. Then he turned his attention to the video footage of his attacker.
“It’s Tyler Burke, isn’t it?” he asked his fellow cop. “ I knew it.”
“You just gotta watch it, man,” Nate said. “You tell me if you recognize anyone.” Nate propped up the screen and tapped the play button.
The video showed an empty street, and beyond it the balcony from which Jonah had been pushed. For a few seconds, there was no movement, but then a man stepped into the frame and jogged across the street. Unlike when he’d ambushed Jonah, the man wore neither mask nor hood. Jonah leaned in to observe.
“Wait…” He squinted. “This doesn’t make any sense. Rewind that and let me see it again.”
Nate tapped the screen, bringing the video back to the start, and Jonah watched again. “That hair,” he said, pointing anxiously. “Burke’s hair isn’t red. That’s - it’s Declan Rourke!”
Movement in the doorway caught Jonah’s eye and there stood Maeve. “Cafeteria’s closed,” she said. “I’m going to hit the vending machine.” She turned to go, then hesitated, gripping the door frame. Jonah wished he could prevent the words from leaving her mouth, but even as he willed her to stop, she spoke, and changed everything.
“What were you guys saying about my brother?”
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